For writers
The scientific journal “PHILOLOGOS” was established by Bunin Yelets State University. The periodicity of the edition is four times a year (March, June, September, December).
The journal publishes papers of different genres on topical linguistic and literary problems (articles, publications, chronicles of scientific life, etc.).
The journal is included into the Index of Peer-reviewed Academic Journals and Publications that must publish academic results of doctorial and candidate degrees, which is recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The journal is included into the Russian Science Citation Index:
The Journal is legally registered in Russian Federation.
Format: 100 pages print A4
Contents of the issues and articles are available online at
Range of scientific specialities:
5.9.1 Russian literature and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation
5.9.2 Literature of the peoples of the world
5.9.3 Theory of literature
5.9.5 Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia
5.9.6 Languages of peoples of foreign countries
5.9.8 Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics
Requirements for publications:
- The publication text is sent ready to be published to email: (to Executive Secretary Oleg Anatolevich Kharitonov).
- The publication text is to have an attached separate file containing author’s personal information (surname, first name, patronymic; university degree and title, position and place of employment or studies; home and work addresses, contact telephone numbers, email).
Requirements for articles:
- Articles are to have minimum 20,000 and maximum 22,000 characters (with spaces). The Word Processor is Word. The body text font is Times New Roman 10. Page footnotes font is Times New Roman 10. Paragraph indention – 1. Line spacing is single. Paragraph indention for poetry – 3,5. Margins: top – 2.5 cm, bottom – 6 cm, left – 3.5 cm, right - 3.5 cm.
- In the top right-hand corner of the page there is to be the author’s initials and surname in Russian and in English typed in bold italics (Times New Roman 12); a line spacing below it there is to be a title (aligned left, in capital letters, in bold type, Times New Roman 12) in Russian and in English; a line spacing below it there is to be an abstract in Russian and in English (250 words) along the page width without an indentation, Times New Roman 10, in italics; the word-combination “key words” in Russian and in English is to be written in bold italics without an indentation, Times New Roman 10, without a line spacing between them and an abstract, the key words themselves and/or word-combinations in Russian and in English (5-6) are to be typed in Times New Roman 10, in italics; a line spacing below it there is to be a body text.
- The body text is to be followed by a bibliography with a line spacing below it (Times New Roman 9, in italics) without the word “Bibliography”. A list of literary sources is to be written in alphabetical order, the numbering is ordinal.
1. Анри Корбэн. Световой человек в иранском суфизме. URL: (дата обращения: 23.08.2011).
2. Даль В.И. Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка: в 4 т. СПб., 1863–1866.
3. Пушкин А.С. Сказка о золотом петушке // А.С. Пушкин. Собр. соч.: в 10 т. М., 1968. Т. 3.
4. Смирнов В.А. Достоевский // Литература и фольклорная традиция: вопросы поэтики (архетипы «женского начала» в русской литературе XIX – начала XX века). Иваново, 2001. С. 112–161.
Directions to the literary source in the text – [1, vol. 6, 18]: the first number is the source number, the second one is that of the volume, the third one is that of the page; [2, 45]: the first number is the source number, the second one is that of the page.
Editorial note:
- Observe the punctuation meaning and graphic difference of «–» (dash) from «-» (hyphen).
- When citation use quotation marks «» except text emphasis (names of works, direct speech, etc.) inside the place in quotation marks («»). In these cases “ ” are used.
- Write the marked word in italics and its meanings with ‘ ‘. Example: tongue in the meaning of ‘organ of speech’. The same is the case for a foreign word and its translation. Apostrophe is marked with ‘.
- Dates are demarcated with «–» (dash), centuries – with Roman numerals. Ex.: 1814–1841, XVIII–XIXcenturies.
- When citation a short fragment of a poem (up to 4 poems) use / to denote a line and // - to denote poems. For a separate poem the following model is used:
О чем ты воешь, ветр ночной?
О чем так сетуешь безумно?..
Что значит странный голос твой,
То глухо жалобный, то шумно?[3, 57]
The article model: download
Publishing Ethics
For authors:
- authors are personally responsible for the contents of the manuscript, fidelity of the translation of the abstract, citation, literary sources and personal information;
- authors have the right to use the materials of the journal in their further publications if they make a reference to the article in the journal;
- authors confirm that their articles have not been published yet, contain no plagiarism in any form.
For the Editorial Board:
The Journal does not cooperate with intermediaries but directly with the authors. The Editorial Board acts in accordance with the policy of ethical standards. The Editorial Board follows the established peer-review rules.
Terms of Reviewing Manuscripts
- Correspondence of materials submitted to the Editorial Board to the scientific type of the journal.
- Author’s observation of the rules of submitting his manuscript to the Editorial Board and meeting the requirements for such works.
- Availability of some additional documents: for postgraduate students and candidates for degree to have their supervisor or adviser’s review. These additional documents must be signed and sealed (scanned documents are send to the email).
If any of these terms is not fulfilled, the Editorial Board has the right to refuse the author to review his manuscript.
Rules of Reviewing Manuscripts
- The Editorial Board members using their own discretion have the right to hold their own outer review of the original manuscript by experts in the corresponding field of philology. The review should evaluate topicality of the scientific problem, well-grounded nature and effectiveness of methods used to investigate the object, originality of solving the problem and significance of obtained results, logic and style of exposition and so on.
Reviewing is held confidentially for authors of manuscripts, it is of the private character. - On the Editor-In-Chief’s instructions one of the members of the Editorial Board gives his written well-grounded review of the manuscript with/without recommendation to publish it.
- The final opinion of the original manuscript is pronounced at the next Meeting of the Editorial Board on the basis of all available reviews about it. The Editorial Board informs the author about the favorable or negative decision in good time. The rejected manuscript is not sent back to its author. The author has the right to read the outer (editorial) reviewer’s report. Copy of the review is sent to the author, after his inquiry, without any signatures, surnames of the reviewer.
- If the Editorial Board makes a decision to correct the manuscript according to the remarks given by the reviewer, it is given back to the author with the copy of the review about it without mentioning the name of the reviewer. The Editor-In-Chief has the right to give the manuscript back to its author to correct it after its independent outer reviewing on condition that it is necessary to incorporate some insignificant amendments in the text. The Editorial Board members have the right to edit the submitted manuscript by themselves without prejudice to its contents and author’s style. The new version of the original manuscript is to be submitted to the Editorial Board in full conformity with the requirements for them. The author’s report with a list of amendments incorporated in the manuscript is to be attached to its text. After revision the Editorial Board makes a general decision about expediency or inexpediency of its publication in the scientific journal.
- All the manuscripts are checked for plagiarism. Appropriate level of originality of the manuscripts must not be less than 70%.
- Copies of the article text and additional documents with surnames, positions and places of employment of all reviewers can be submitted on demand of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Financial Responsibilities of Authors
- Authors pay editorial and publishing services. Postgraduate students don’t have to pay for publication. Payment for publishing papers is to be effected after the editorial decision about including them in one of the next issues of the journal is made.
- If an article is accepted for publication the editor sends a billing document with the Publishers’ banking details to the author.Publications may be financed by the organization where the author works or studies or by a third party. In this case, if the author requests, all the necessary documents are given: agreement, act of provided services, invoice. Only approved and paid articles are published in the journal issues according to the publishing schedule.
- If the size of the manuscript does not exceed the required publication the price is 5000 rubles. For additional information write a letter to the email of the Editorial Board.
- Every author is required to take out a subscription to that issue of the journal “PHILOLOGOS” in which his article is published.
The subscription index of the journal “PHILOLOGOS” is 64991 in the catalogue “Editions of Scientific Technical Information Publications”
Author’s Rights
Authors transfer their author’s rights to publication in the printed matter and on the Internet to the Publishing House of the Journal, i.e. Bunin Yelets State University.
Full-text versions of the journal issues are accessible at the scientific electronic library within 3 months after the issue is published.
If any further information is necessary, you can make inquiries at the Journal Editorial Office.
Editorial Office Address: 28, 1, Kommunarov St., Yelets, Lipetsk Region, 399770, Russia.