Журнал «Филоlogos»
Выпуск №38 (3) (2018)
DOI 10.24888/2079-2638-2018-38-3-75-81
Ключевые слова
comparative poetics; genre; neser; prose poem; Russian literature; Tatar literature
The article deals with the genres of Tatar and Russian literatures, neser and prose poem, in a comparative aspect. The actual material of the work was I.S. Turgenev's prose poem "How good, how fresh the roses were" (1879) and F. Amirkhan's neser "Chechekler kiteregez mina!" - "Bring me flowers!" (1921). It is established that the specific characteristics of the above genres, complementing each other in the dialogue, are most fully revealed in their poetics. In creating the poetic rhythm of Turgenev's prose poem a special place is taken by a short stanza - a verse consisting of one to three lines, as well as a refrain in the middle of the text space; that is emphasized graphically, which enhances the emotional mood, peculiar to the perception of poetry. Pauses and repetitions emphasize the similarity of the work with poem, with its unique rhythm different from prose. Studying the poetics of Amirkhan's neser allows seeing the originality of compared genres: by contrast to the rhythmic of the Russian prose, the Tatar poem and prose historically emphasized long lines. The last ones are couplets (bayts) or they had the form of one long line, like a single-line poem. Scholars' researches (Kh. Kurbatov, M. Bakirov, N. Khisamov) confirm that in the literatures and folklore of the Turkic peoples, and in the Tatar poetry of the beginning of the 20th century in particular, long lines in the form of bayts were compositionally distinguished as the integrity and length of the poem, and its rhythm, which also was created with the help of trails. Our analysis shows that the different structure of the two languages (Russian and Tatar), the historically developed ways of creating rhythm in poetry and prose allow us to consider these genres as original and unique. The latter is especially obvious when they are confined, correlated with each other, and not only at the level of the general study.
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