Журнал «Филоlogos»
Выпуск №13 (июнь 2012)
Томас Де Квинси о книгах и книжной культуре поэтов Озерной школы
В статье рассказывается об отношении поэтов Озерной школы (С.Т. Кольриджа, У. Вордсворта и Р. Саути) к книгам и библиотекам глазами эссеиста Томаса Де Квинси. По мнению автора, понимание уровня книжной культуры поэтов-лейкистов не только помогает понять особенности восприятия культуры поэтами Озерной школы, но и более подробно узнать об их характере и характере писателя, посвятившего им свои эссе.
Ключевые слова
книги; книжная культура; Де Квинси; Вордсворт; Кольридж; Саути
Thomas De Quincey about the books and the book culture Ofthelakepoets
This article deals with the attitude of the Lake Poets (Coleridge, Wordsworth and Southey) to the books and libraries in the eyes of essayist Thomas De Quincey. In the author's opinion, the understanding of book culture level of the Lake Poets not only helps to understand the peculiarities of culture perception, but also helps to know the details of their character and the character of the author, who dedicated his essays to them.
Key words:
books; book culture; De Quincey; Wordsworth; Coleridge; Southey
Список литературы
Byatt, A.S. Unruly Times: Wordsworth and Coleridge in Their Time / A.S. Byatt. - London: Vintage, 1997.
De Quincey, T. Being letters and Other Records, Here First Published. With Communications From Coleridge, the Wordsworths, Hannah More, Professor Wilson: in 2 v. / by A. Japp. - London: William Heineman, 1891. - V. I.
De Quincey, T. Being letters and Other Records, Here First Published. With Communications From Coleridge, the Wordsworths, Hannah More, Professor Wilson: in 2 v. / by A. Japp. - London: William Heineman, 1891. - V. II.
De Quincey, T. Recollections of the Lake Poets / by E. Sackville-West. - London: The Chiltern Library, 1948.
De Quincey, T. Samuel Taylor Coleridge / De Quincey T. // Recollections of the Lake Poets / ed. by E. Sackville-West. - London: The Chiltern Library, 1948. - P. 19-102.
De Quincey, T. The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey: in 14 v./ by David Masson. - London: A&C Black Soho Square, 1897. - V. 1-14.
De Quincey, T. The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey: in 14 v./ by David Masson. - London: A&C Black Soho Square, 1897. - V. 1-14. - V. II.
De Quincey, T. William Wordsworth / De Quincey T. // Recollections of the Lake Poets / ed. by by E. Sackville-West. - London: The Chiltern Library, 1948. - P. 103-184.
De Quincey, T. William Wordsworth and Robert Southey / De Quincey T. // Recollections of the Lake Poets / ed. by E. Sackville-West. - London: The Chiltern Library, 1948. - P. 185-213.
Eaton, H. Notes on the Text // De Quincey T ., Eaton H. A. A Diary Of Thomas De Quincey 1803 / by H. A. Eaton. - New York: Payson & Clarke Ltd, 1927. - P. 215-248.
Findlay, J. R. Personal Recollections of Thomas De Quincey (1886) / J. R. Findlay. - Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1886.
Hogg, J. De Quincey and His Friends: Personal Recollections, Souvenirs and Anecdotes of Thomas De Quincey, His Friends and Associates / J. Hogg. - London: Low, 1895.
Lindop, G. The Opium-Eater: A Life of Thomas De Quincey / G. Lindop. - London, Melbourne and Toronto: J. M. Dent &Sons Ltd, 1981.
Sackville-West, E. Introduction // De Quincey, T. Recollections of the Lake Poets / by E. Sackville-West. - London: The Chiltern Library, 1948. - P. 5-11.