Журнал «История: факты и символы»
Выпуск №1 (22) (2020)
УДК 94(47).053
DOI 10.24888/2410-4205-2020-22-1-112-121
Ключевые слова
battle; great north war; army; Lewenhaupt; Sheremetev; Gemauerthof
The Great Northern War was an event that changed not only the Commonwealth but also the Central European states, among others Russia. This war has brought many tactical and strategic changes that can be observed in battlefields and during the campaign. It is, therefore, appropriate to call up the battle relations that took place during the Great Northern War. Such a battle is a clash between the Swedish troops led by Adam Ludwig Lewenhaupt and the Russian troops led by Boris Petrovich Sheremetev, played at Gemauerthof on July 26, 1705. The Battle of Gemauerthof of July 26, 1705 was related to the Courland operation of the Russian army during the Great Northern War. In the initial period, the Swedish army dealt quite effortlessly with all members of the hostile coalition, beating the Russians at Narva and forcing the Saxons to abandon the siege of Riga. In 1702, Charles XII led the Swedish army into the territory of the Commonwealth, engaging fully in a fight against August II - the ruler of the Polish-Lithuanian state and Saxon elector. The Swedish involvement was utilized by Tsar Peter I. By 1704, Russia managed to gain access to the Baltic Sea, but Peter I and his generals realized that the offensive of Charles XII towards the Swedish Baltic provinces could lead to the loss of these conquests. Peter I wanted to seize the Duchy of Courland and crush the corps of Adam Ludwig Lewenhaupt, which stationed there. In the spring of 1705, the main Russian army was concentrated on the Daugava River, which placed it in a relatively convenient starting position for the offensive against the Swedes. Sheremetev was given the task of blocking Lewishaupt's vossl and, in favorable circumstances, giving him a battle. This battle took place, but the result was different than planned by the Russian command.
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